Jess Travel Things #3: Walking for 30 minutes instead of paying for a tuk tuk

Walking is a great way to actually get to know the place that you’re in, but I admit that not wanting to spend money may have sometimes been a bigger motivator. Even when that money was only $2.35.

Going from having a well paying job in NYC to not having steady income in a developing country meant that I had to redefine my relationship with money. For a while, that meant defaulting to “avoid spending any money, period!”

Jess Travel Things #1: Never getting around to the creative pursuit you planned on

Finally getting to that creative pursuit. 🙂 And true story, my little sibling produced higher quality and a higher volume of artwork within 5 days of me bing home than I had produced in 5 months.


What is the line between excuses and limitations? It’s hard to say. It’s unrealistic to think that anyone can do anything, anytime – but so often we shut ourselves down with reminders of what we are not, without even giving it a shot.

By nature, there are certain things we’re good at, and certain things we’re not. But just because we’re not good at them doesn’t mean that they’re impossible. Venture out and push your limits, who knows what you might find?

Limitations Part 1Limitations Part 2Limitations Part 3Limitations Part 4Limitations Part 5